Get Informed

Do you place students in all Colleges and Universities in USA and Canada?
Yes! Whether public or private College/University, Doug-Joan places students in our partner institutions across the USA and Canada.

I don’t what goes into the entire process of school acquisition. Can you help me?
As a student who wants to pursue further studies abroad, we search through our partner universities and per your background advise you on the suitable programs, funding availabilities and what materials needed to secure admission. Our trained agents are skillful in preparing towards Visa acquisition, making your travel plans and searching for accommodations. All the necessary information needed to familiarize yourself with your new environment are provided by us.

Is Doug-Joan Staffing LLC a local or national agency?
Doug-Joan is a US-based Agency with African owners and managers. Not withstanding the fact that we are headquartered in the USA, we have well trained agents across the entire African continent especially in our flagship countries (Ghana, Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa)